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The right price first time

Over 25 years Peninsula
has become the world’s
leading independent
marine energy provider.

Supplying marine fuel to over 2,000 customers across the globe, we have the market knowledge and experience to ensure we are offering the best possible pricing to our customers.

We understand the need for a quick response. Our team are available 24/7/365 and will make sure you have the information you need, when you need it. We will work with you to provide a transparent proposal supported by all the necessary specification documents to help you make an informed decision, at the first time of asking.


Balancing price and quality

In a competitive, fast-paced market, the one factor that is just important as price is quality, quality of product and quality of service. We understand that the opportunity cost of having to resolve issues from poor quality product when you have a busy itinerary is far more damaging than paying slightly more for a quality product in the first place.

With a global presence and large customer base comes effective buying power. We are always able to get you the most competitive pricing and we carefully vet our supplier network to ensure that along with competitive pricing we supply a quality product using professional and presentable suppliers.


Optimised routing

Whether it’s advising on the latest status and requirements for duty free fuel in locations or advising on the product availability and which suppliers are operating most efficiently at any given time, we are constantly monitoring the market to make sure we can give you the latest and most accurate information. Yachting is one of the best communities in the world and we have the privilege of working with some of the best yachts in the world. We receive feedback every day from all over the world, not just about our supply, but valuable local information like berth availability, agents, provisions, etc. all of which we can pass on to help you make the right decisions when planning your trip.